I’ve worked for some of the best in the software world.


Feeds and Contributions - Software Engineer

2023 - Present

Software engineer for the realtime contribution feeds team. Full stack development on tools that manage feeds, software that connects us to content partners to receive vast amounts of market data.


Bootcamp - Software Engineer


Briefly worked on an internal tool while in training before being hit by mass layoffs. Committed nearly 4,000 lines of significant code in the first month of picking up a project.

Instagram Shopping - Software Engineer Intern


Full stack work for an Instagram shopping team at Meta. Created an internal tool that aggregates information on Instagram shopping collections. Worked extensively with technologies like React and Hack/PHP.


Product Recalls - Software Engineer Intern


Created an internal tool that provides product recall information for products at Amazon. Full stack development using modern AWS technologies such as CDK, Lambda, API gateway, and CloudFormation. Frontend created with React and backend in Java.